The cherry on the cake that is Bagan was our Hot Air Balloon ride over Bagan with “Balloons over Bagan”. Waking up at 5am, in a cold and misty Bagan to be picked up by the antique converted bus that drives us to the field where we will take off is worth every freezing cold minute.

The antique bus – Balloons Over Bagan
I am a flutter with excitement – this is one of the items on my ever growing ‘bucket list’ and I am thrilled to be able to finally tick this one off! I am mesmerised at how the balloon is filled up, and how many people and co-ordination it takes to get this up and running…

Lets get the fans started…..

…and then the fire

And then- we’re off! Ian, piloting us up, up and away!
Before I know it, I’ve jumped into the basket and we are off, soaring above the field and rising into the swirling mist amidst the light of the breaking dawn, looking out onto the plains shrouded in mist wrapped around the spires of the temples, creating a breathtakingly beautiful postcard picture with the balloons that have risen above and taken over the sky.

Dawn breaks over the plains, temple spires rising amidst swirling mist…
It is surreal, and you get a totally different perspective seeing the temples from above – if you do one thing in Bagan, then this should be at the top of your list.

Balloons over Bagan….
We soar above, gliding gracefully along, being piloted by Ian who moves the Balloon like a bird, across the plain, high over the other balloons and points out all the temples we were exploring the day before – how different, elegant and beautiful they look from up here!

Hey! Up here!
The sun rises like an orange fire ball and bathes HtiloMinlo in its Rays, making the ochre bricks of the temple glow in the early morning light.

Dawn over Htilominlo

Flying close to Htilominlo
Further down, we spot some novice monks out on their daily alm collections, cheery and waving up at us, chattering excitedly. Daily life goes on, amidst our flight over the plains!

Novice monks get about their day in the plains of Bagan
The ride is half an hour long and before we know it, we are landing in a field where champagne and croissants await us, adding elegance to an already perfect adventure. Don’t take my word for it – you must experience this for yourself!

Champagne, croissants and a certificate too! Perfection!
* I am in no way affiliated with Balloons over Bagan nor endorsed by them. This post is as a result of my own fabulous (and fully paid for by me) experience and the opinion expressed is my own. End of legalese!